beginning woodworking projects in home based wood worlshop
Woodworking Shop Layout 

Beginning Woodworking Projects

To begin working in wood you may nor have all the skills and aptitude but if you have an interest and a desire then one can start from the simplest point and build on the journey adding levels of difficulty and complexity as one raises the bar over time.

Woodworking Shop Layout 

Having a space created where you can just enter and start  or continue the project  is crucial to building on your projects now and into a full business. So creating a starting space which is well planned is the center piece to the future business. From day one the first rack you install and load up with tools is in fact your business right now ! For this there is processional information available to kick start you  and place you in an advantage and take away the initial struggle of a start up.

Wood Working Projects as a Business            

Making and selling Woodworking projects is no different to any other business in design and concept. You need a viable idea and a means of executing it. Firstly there is the need to do market research carefully and thoroughly. Then you ask the question .Can I make this product?

Then it requires for the entrepreneur to look at quantities, price and the length of time to produce a single product.

This will give a strong guide of turnover and profitability and the time taken to execute the project.

This means categorizing a project from one of the 3 areas of the usual normal production:

  • Mass Production
  • Custom production
  • Batch Manufacture


Mass Production Wood Projects

 The first area is to do with looking at bigger volumes of project production and probably at a lower price so clearly it involves intensive costing to determine profitability related to the three factors of time, volume and price.

Here you will be buying raw materials in bulk and planning a run of  X amount of items to either sell for an order or a production run to meet the order and also maybe to lay  in some of the production as stock for future orders. 

By planning smart, part of the planned work may involve outsourcing components or stages where this is time & cost saving.  i.e.  buying in a component instead or producing this yourself

At the outset one should always consider a couple of things. Can I realistically do this, is there enough interest and challenge and  am I working smart?  This means selecting the product opportunity, planning and then executing the run efficiently. The other consideration is to always look towards improving or adding extra value by not doing “same old” familiar item, but trying to better what is already in the market place.

This could be better materials, better look or better finish.

This could allow you to charge a premium on the price.

Example: Basic Duck Call. These are in the market for $9-$20. If you had a wood lathe or knew of a friend who had one you could use this for a day say and turn say 30 wooden barrels. These are machined and stained directly on the lathe with wood stain which is cheap. A run like this is easy. The basic design sells for say $10. If you develop a better looking design and finish this could sell for say $20. This gives you a bulk production run of between $360-$600 for a day’s work. The squeaker calls outsourced are as low as 30c each which are a press fit.

beginner woodworking project of wooden  duck call

Custom or Bespoke Project Manufacture

The exact opposite to the above is that of the custom or bespoke item. This may be a piece of furniture, or a canoe or a scale model of a house or reproduction galleon ship. For this the price is extremely varied from the high hundreds to many thousands of dollars. A stand up hollow plywood paddle board sells for $1000 - $3000. Projects like Dolls houses or Scale wooden houses can be in the thousands of dollars but you have to target the right market for these. In detail research is required and readily available on the internet.

Example :Below is a dolls house for sale for $10,000 and this is not uncommon. There are ones that have sold for $1 million dollars! But maybe your level could be for say $3000. Its a question of skill & hours

quality scale models woodworking projects that sell
For Sale Ebay $9275

Batch Project Production

This concept falls in the middle of the two outlined above. By this we mean you may produce say not one custom item but a batch of say 4 or 6 items. So you could pre sell say one from your website and set up to manufacture 4 putting the balance into stock. A high end hollow paddle board sells for up to $2500 . If you batch 4 say you are working with  $10,000 turnover for one project. Also the production time per unit if you are making 4 off is much faster that if you set up and made for one unit.



Look and design in any product influences price. Its up to the marketer to display his/her smarts here. To choose that which is desirable or in fashion so as to get a better market price . "Usual old" usual gets usually    "old usual" prices. Visit class website or outlets to identify quality for better prices.

Rare or Expensive Wood

Choosing a rare or a wood that has that extra something that the competition has nor got gives you a leg up on the competition. Factors such as grain and color mixes affect the final price tag. Researching the competition and getting something batter gets the sale at a higher price


There are all sorts of possibilities here and only the imagination limits what one can do. I had a friend who took the hollow soup marrow bones off the table after dinner, sliced these into doughnut shapes, bleached them and then inlaid these in a pattern onto the doors of a sideboard he made. Boom! Something amazing that no one on the planet had made!

Veneers Add value to woodworking projects that sell
Veneer Wood Inlay Strips

Inlay Wood Projects With

  • Agate Turquoise
  • Bone
  • Mother of pearl
  • Metal strips or shapes using steel, copper, brass or aluminum
  • Inlay wood strips


  Wood Projects Finishing

As well as design and look the outer finish to the product is hugely important. This means factors such as staining, painting and overlay gloss using compounds such as glaze of resins will  not just get you the sale but can get that extra 25% markup.

Example: Take a 6 foot log x 2 foot diameter and split this down the middle. Take these halves finish sanding and smoothing these. Now attach say leg stubs and brackets to form a bench and you have nothing much. Maybe a $400 product, but if the wood grain looks great and has a good color. If this is so and you deep glaze this with a thick layer of super clear epoxy resin then you have a $12- 1600 product which I saw advertised on Etsy recently   

woodworking projects that sell with high gloss finish
Table top with High Quality Glaze


SUMMARY on Wood Projects

You  can make money on a very simple low priced product project or a one off complicated project but one must choose one's market by doing the research and costings around the 3 factors mentioned and the market demand.

You could make “ Home Sweet Home “ signs for Wal-Mart all day long and make money if you invest maybe in some production machine.

Or you can make a few stand up paddle boards per month every month only and do very well.

Or you can mix and match.  It’s all the same if you do your costing and your research well.

Its very doable to earn your own personal income from wood workshop projects , be independent and be happy doing it.!!

Craftsman at work in Home Woodwork shop

Woodworking Projects & Whittling of Wood

This is a site for information about:
Whittling wood, sculpting or shaping of wood by carving through the basic use of minimal means such a whittling knife or wood chisel or other woodcarving tools. This wood art is aided with instructions, resources and picture examples and videos. There is extensive information about types of woods to be used such as bass wood .
Also there is :
* Information about starting your own Wood Working Business
* Information for the Layout & Setting up a Home Woodwork Shop via proper Small Home Shop Layout

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Whittling and Wood Carving

Introduction to Whittling Here we define the whittling of wood and the carving of wood using simple hand tools  such as a whittling knife ...

This is a site for information about:
Whittling wood, sculpting or shaping of wood by carving through the basic use of minimal means such a whittling knife or wood chisel or other woodcarving tools. This wood art is aided with instructions, resources and picture examples and videos. There is extensive information about types of woods to be used such as bass wood .

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